What does it look like when you join us on a Sunday?


No matter your age, gender, race, economic status, or background, Trinity is a place for you to investigate the ways of God.  We believe God loves you and we want to do all we can to help you experience that love.  We have a seat for you at Trinity. 

We also know it can be intimidating to walk into a church for the first time.  Here are a few questions you may have: 
What should you expect? 
You can enter our building through a few different doors, but we encourage you to enter through the doors under the overhang. You will be greeted by our hospitality team as soon as you enter the building.  If you have children, they will help you check your children in, they will point you toward the restrooms, our worship center where the service takes place, and where to grab a cup of coffee.  Our services last 60-75 minutes and consist of a few songs, a time of prayer, and a roughly 30-minute message by one of our pastors.  
Who attends Trinity?
We have a great mixture of people who call Trinity their home.  Our community truly spans the ages, from newborns to someone who is in their 90s! You find those who are -- married, single, divorced, widowed -- white and blue-collared professionals, retired, those looking for jobs, home makers -- life long north county residents, those who have moved into our community and those who drive in -- people who were raised in a local church, those walking into a church building for the first time (or for the first time in a long time) and everything in between.  The most important thing to understand is that the kind of people who are here are the kind of people who are welcome here - everyone! 
What should you wear? 
Please dress comfortably,  there is no dress code.  Want to wear jeans, wear jeans.  Want to come in shorts and a t-shirt, feel free!  Want to wear a dress, suit and tie, please do.  We care about you being with us more than we care about what you wear, so please just come as you are and be comfortable. 
Do we have anything for your kids on Sunday mornings? 
At Trinity, we wholeheartedly believe in and will invest in young people.  We have a large group of young families with kids of every age and want to provide a safe place for our little ones to learn that they are loved by God and what that means for their lives.  We have caring adults (who have gone through a background check and an application process) who hang out with our babies to pre-k kids during the service.  You can check them in at 10:30am and they will remain in their rooms until you pick them up after the service.  Only those approved will be able to pick them up after the service.  If you have a K-5th grader, they will hang with you until after we sing, then they will be dismissed to our children's program upstairs, where they will learn about Jesus with our children's director, Lisa, and her volunteer team.  You are welcome to go upstairs with them so that you can find out where they will be and where you will pick them up. Our older kids (6th grade and older) remain in the service with everyone else.
Can I set up a time to talk to a pastor? 
Of course!  Kyle is our lead pastor and has been on staff at Trinity since 2006.  He considers himself to be a pastor to the community, which means you don't have to attend on a Sunday morning to set up a time to meet with him.  So, if you have questions about faith, are dealing with grief, or need some help with your marriage or your kids, Kyle is willing to listen and give the best guidance possible.  He is also connected to several counselors and can help you get connected to one in our area.  You can reach him by email at kylerainbolt80@gmail.com